Uwe Brauer writes:
diff -u
This patch got re-encoded as UTF-8 and won't apply as-as. It's
probably possible to fix that on this end, so don't worry about that.
In the future, it's best to send patches to Mule packages as
application/octet-stream to ensure binary encoding.
More important is that lines that didn't change AFAICT are present in
the diff, for example the lines for acute in the table below. It
appears that *all* lines containing non-ASCII characters have gotten
this treatment. Have you saved the new code as UTF-8 or something
like that?
/usr/local/share/xemacs/mule-packages/lisp/leim/quail/latin-pre.el 2014-08-09
14:18:25.720715551 +0200
+++ /home/oub/xemacs/site-lisp/versch/quail-new/latin-pre.el 2014-08-09
14:18:25.728732492 +0200
@@ -43,94 +43,94 @@
effect | prefix | examples
- acute | ' | 'a -> á, '' -> ´
- grave | ` | `a -> à
- circumflex | ^ | ^a -> â
- diaeresis | \" | \"a -> ä, \"\" -> ¨
- tilde | ~ | ~a -> ã
- cedilla | ~ | ~c -> ç
- misc | ---- | \"s -> ß, ~d -> ð, ~t -> þ, /a -> å, /e ->
æ, /o -> ø
- symbol | ~ | ~> -> », ~< -> «, ~! -> ¡, ~? -> ¿, ~~ ->
+ acute | ' | 'a -> á, '' -> ´
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