On Nov 14, 2007 11:18 AM, Stephen J. Turnbull <stephen@xemacs.org> wrote:
William Gallafent writes:

 > few lines of build posted below. Any idea what's causing the duplicate
 > symbol?

The GNU buildchain's "extern inline" support is disabled or broken
under Xcode.

I believe the problem here is the "-std=c99" in William's CFLAGS.  The meaning of "extern inline" in C99 is different from the historical GCC meaning.  The C99 spec, section 6.7.4, says that "inline" gives you a function that is completely inlined, with no external linkage possible, and "extern inline" means that you inline calls to that function from within the same compilation unit, but also leave behind an actual function that can be called by external code.  GCC used to define "extern inline" to mean what C99 now calls "inline", and "inline" to mean approximately what C99 now calls "extern inline".

We need to put C99 detection into our configure script and adjust the inline keywords accordingly.  In the meantime, William, remove the "-std=c99" from your CFLAGS and let us know if that works.
Jerry James