So it turns out that this is caused by the two bad hunks to search.c that Stephen identified earlier.
Fixing these cures the problem. I will post a patch and rebuild the binaries today.
-----Original Message-----
From: Roland Schäuble []
Sent: Saturday, September 07, 2002 9:34 AM
Subject: RE: XEmacs-21.4.9-2 breaks psgml

Ok, here is my configuration to reproduce the error. I have tested on two different machines, one is running Windows 2000 and one Windows XP. Both have the same problem.
I enclosed a file sgml.tar.gz containing my DTDs and ISO-Entries. This is installed in C:\, so the catalog-file is located in C:\SGML\docbook\
I set the environment variable SGML_CATALOG_FILES to "C:\SGML\docbook\".
I open a new sgml-file "test.sgml" and insert the DTD:
<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.1//EN" []>
When I try to parse the DTD, the message
"Illegal markup declaration DOCTYPE BOOK PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DOCBOOK V4.1//EN" []>"
appears. Exapnding tags (C-c C-e) does not work therefore.
The same approach works in emacs-21.2.1 and in xemacs-21.4.8-3 but not in xemacs-21.4.9-2.
For xemacs, I used psgml-1.31 and for emacs psgml-1.2.5.
I hope, this helps to reproduce the error in your environment.