While compiling se-jump in file /Volumes/share2/src/xemacs/hg/xemacs-packages/packages/xemacs-packages/semantic/semantic-example.el: ** attempt to open-code anonymous lambda with too many arguments ** attempt to open-code anonymous lambda with too many arguments !! Invalid operation (("Object type has no properties" (lambda (name &optional table) "Find the first tag with NAME in TABLE. NAME is a string. TABLE is a semantic tags table. See `semantic-something-to-tag-table'. This routine uses `assoc' to quickly find the first matching entry." (funcall (if semantic-case-fold (quote assoc-ignore-case) (quote assoc)) name (semantic-something-to-tag-table table))))) backtrace(nil t) # bind (error-info) byte-compile-report-error((invalid-operation "Object type has no properties" (lambda (name &optional table) "Find the first tag with NAME in TABLE.\nNAME is a string.\nTABLE is a semantic tags table. See `semantic-something-to-tag-table'.\nThis routine uses `assoc' to quickly find the first matching entry." (funcall (if semantic-case-fold (quote assoc-ignore-case) (quote assoc)) name (semantic-something-to-tag-table table))))) # bind (error-info) #((invalid-operation "Object type has no properties" (lambda (name &optional table) "Find the first tag with NAME in TABLE.\nNAME is a string.\nTABLE is a semantic tags table. See `semantic-something-to-tag-table'.\nThis routine uses `assoc' to quickly find the first matching entry." (funcall (if semantic-case-fold (quote assoc-ignore-case) (quote assoc)) name (semantic-something-to-tag-table table))))) # bind (form) byte-compile-normal-call(((lambda (name &optional table) "Find the first tag with NAME in TABLE.\nNAME is a string.\nTABLE is a semantic tags table. See `semantic-something-to-tag-table'.\nThis routine uses `assoc' to quickly find the first matching entry." (funcall (if semantic-case-fold (quote assoc-ignore-case) (quote assoc)) name (semantic-something-to-tag-table table))) name (semantic-fetch-tags) t nil)) # bind (for-effect form) byte-compile-form(((lambda (name &optional table) "Find the first tag with NAME in TABLE.\nNAME is a string.\nTABLE is a semantic tags table. See `semantic-something-to-tag-table'.\nThis routine uses `assoc' to quickly find the first matching entry." (funcall (if semantic-case-fold (quote assoc-ignore-case) (quote assoc)) name (semantic-something-to-tag-table table))) name (semantic-fetch-tags) t nil)) # bind (args var val form) byte-compile-setq((setq tok ((lambda (name &optional table) "Find the first tag with NAME in TABLE.\nNAME is a string.\nTABLE is a semantic tags table. See `semantic-something-to-tag-table'.\nThis routine uses `assoc' to quickly find the first matching entry." (funcall (if semantic-case-fold (quote assoc-ignore-case) (quote assoc)) name (semantic-something-to-tag-table table))) name (semantic-fetch-tags) t nil))) # bind (handler fn for-effect form) byte-compile-form((setq tok ((lambda (name &optional table) "Find the first tag with NAME in TABLE.\nNAME is a string.\nTABLE is a semantic tags table. See `semantic-something-to-tag-table'.\nThis routine uses `assoc' to quickly find the first matching entry." (funcall (if semantic-case-fold (quote assoc-ignore-case) (quote assoc)) name (semantic-something-to-tag-table table))) name (semantic-fetch-tags) t nil)) t) # bind (for-effect body) byte-compile-body(((setq tok ((lambda (name &optional table) "Find the first tag with NAME in TABLE.\nNAME is a string.\nTABLE is a semantic tags table. See `semantic-something-to-tag-table'.\nThis routine uses `assoc' to quickly find the first matching entry." (funcall (if semantic-case-fold (quote assoc-ignore-case) (quote assoc)) name (semantic-something-to-tag-table table))) name (semantic-fetch-tags) t nil)) (if tok (progn (setq pos (let ((tag tok)) (let ((o (let ((tag tag)) (nth 4 tag)))) (if (semantic-overlay-p o) (semantic-overlay-start o) (aref o 0))))) (goto-char pos) (semantic-momentary-highlight-token tok)) (error "No tag %s found" name))) nil) # bind (body byte-compile-bound-variables varlist extra-flags form) byte-compile-let((let (tok pos) (setq tok ((lambda (name &optional table) "Find the first tag with NAME in TABLE.\nNAME is a string.\nTABLE is a semantic tags table. See `semantic-something-to-tag-table'.\nThis routine uses `assoc' to quickly find the first matching entry." (funcall (if semantic-case-fold (quote assoc-ignore-case) (quote assoc)) name (semantic-something-to-tag-table table))) name (semantic-fetch-tags) t nil)) (if tok (progn (setq pos (let ((tag tok)) (let ((o (let ((tag tag)) (nth 4 tag)))) (if (semantic-overlay-p o) (semantic-overlay-start o) (aref o 0))))) (goto-char pos) (semantic-momentary-highlight-token tok)) (error "No tag %s found" name)))) # bind (handler fn for-effect form) byte-compile-form((let (tok pos) (setq tok ((lambda (name &optional table) "Find the first tag with NAME in TABLE.\nNAME is a string.\nTABLE is a semantic tags table. See `semantic-something-to-tag-table'.\nThis routine uses `assoc' to quickly find the first matching entry." (funcall (if semantic-case-fold (quote assoc-ignore-case) (quote assoc)) name (semantic-something-to-tag-table table))) name (semantic-fetch-tags) t nil)) (if tok (progn (setq pos (let ((tag tok)) (let ((o (let ((tag tag)) (nth 4 tag)))) (if (semantic-overlay-p o) (semantic-overlay-start o) (aref o 0))))) (goto-char pos) (semantic-momentary-highlight-token tok)) (error "No tag %s found" name))) nil) # bind (byte-compile-constants byte-compile-variables byte-compile-tag-number byte-compile-depth byte-compile-maxdepth byte-compile-output output-type for-effect form) byte-compile-top-level((progn (let (tok pos) (setq tok (semantic-find-first-tag-by-name name (semantic-fetch-tags) t nil)) (if tok (progn (setq pos (semantic-tag-start tok)) (goto-char pos) (semantic-momentary-highlight-token tok)) (error "No tag %s found" name)))) nil lambda) # bind (compiled-int int doc body byte-compile-bound-variables arglist fun) byte-compile-lambda((lambda (name) "Jump to the token with NAME.\nShows how to:\n * Interactivly finding a token name from a stream.\n * Getting symbols under point.\n * Getting the main token list\n * Finding a token by name.\n * Highlighting a token" (interactive (list (semantic-read-symbol "Jump to: " (car (reverse (semantic-ctxt-current-symbol))) (semantic-fetch-tags) nil))) (let (tok pos) (setq tok (semantic-find-first-tag-by-name name (semantic-fetch-tags) t nil)) (if tok (progn (setq pos (semantic-tag-start tok)) (goto-char pos) (semantic-momentary-highlight-token tok)) (error "No tag %s found" name))))) # bind (byte-compile-free-assignments byte-compile-free-references that-one this-one that-kind this-kind name macrop form) byte-compile-file-form-defmumble((defun se-jump (name) "Jump to the token with NAME.\nShows how to:\n * Interactivly finding a token name from a stream.\n * Getting symbols under point.\n * Getting the main token list\n * Finding a token by name.\n * Highlighting a token" (interactive (list (semantic-read-symbol "Jump to: " (car (reverse (semantic-ctxt-current-symbol))) (semantic-fetch-tags) nil))) (let (tok pos) (setq tok (semantic-find-first-tag-by-name name (semantic-fetch-tags) t nil)) (if tok (progn (setq pos (semantic-tag-start tok)) (goto-char pos) (semantic-momentary-highlight-token tok)) (error "No tag %s found" name)))) nil) # bind (form) byte-compile-file-form-defun((defun se-jump (name) "Jump to the token with NAME.\nShows how to:\n * Interactivly finding a token name from a stream.\n * Getting symbols under point.\n * Getting the main token list\n * Finding a token by name.\n * Highlighting a token" (interactive (list (semantic-read-symbol "Jump to: " (car (reverse (semantic-ctxt-current-symbol))) (semantic-fetch-tags) nil))) (let (tok pos) (setq tok (semantic-find-first-tag-by-name name (semantic-fetch-tags) t nil)) (if tok (progn (setq pos (semantic-tag-start tok)) (goto-char pos) (semantic-momentary-highlight-token tok)) (error "No tag %s found" name))))) # bind (byte-compile-current-form handler form) byte-compile-file-form((defun se-jump (name) "Jump to the token with NAME.\nShows how to:\n * Interactivly finding a token name from a stream.\n * Getting symbols under point.\n * Getting the main token list\n * Finding a token by name.\n * Highlighting a token" (interactive (list (semantic-read-symbol "Jump to: " (car (reverse (semantic-ctxt-current-symbol))) (semantic-fetch-tags) nil))) (let (tok pos) (setq tok (semantic-find-first-tag-by-name name (semantic-fetch-tags) t nil)) (if tok (progn (setq pos (semantic-tag-start tok)) (goto-char pos) (semantic-momentary-highlight-token tok)) (error "No tag %s found" name))))) # (unwind-protect ...) #() # (unwind-protect ...) call-with-condition-handler(# #) # (unwind-protect ...) # bind (byte-compile-warnings-beginning byte-compile-point-max-prev byte-compile-log-buffer byte-compile-macro-environment byte-compile-function-environment byte-compile-autoload-environment byte-compile-unresolved-functions byte-compile-bound-variables byte-compile-free-references byte-compile-free-assignments byte-compile-verbose byte-optimize byte-compile-emacs19-compatibility byte-compile-checks-on-load byte-compile-dynamic byte-compile-dynamic-docstrings byte-compile-warnings byte-compile-file-domain byte-compile-outbuffer float-output-format case-fold-search print-length print-level byte-compile-constants byte-compile-variables byte-compile-tag-number byte-compile-depth byte-compile-maxdepth byte-compile-output byte-compile-force-escape-quoted byte-compile-using-dynamic eval filename byte-compile-inbuffer) byte-compile-from-buffer(# "/Volumes/share2/src/xemacs/hg/xemacs-packages/packages/xemacs-packages/semantic/semantic-example.el") # bind (byte-compile-current-file target-file input-buffer output-buffer byte-compile-dest-file load filename) byte-compile-file("semantic-example.el") byte-code("..." [file byte-compile-file t] 2) # (condition-case ... . ((error (byte-code "??!?!???!???!??? ?\"???? @?N?? @!??? A\"???!?LJ" [file err princ ">>Error occurred processing " ": " fboundp display-error nil error-message mapc # "\n"] 3)))) # bind (file) batch-byte-compile-1("semantic-example.el") # bind (error file-to-process) batch-byte-compile-one-file() # bind (error) batch-byte-compile() # bind (arg) command-line-do-funcall("-f") # bind (dir file-count line end-of-options file-p arg tem) command-line-1() # bind (command-line-args-left) command-line() # bind (error-data) normal-top-level() # (condition-case ... . error) # (catch top-level ...) >>Error occurred processing semantic-example.el: Invalid operation: Object type has no properties, (lambda (name &optional table) "Find the first tag with NAME in TABLE. NAME is a string. TABLE is a semantic tags table. See `semantic-something-to-tag-table'. This routine uses `assoc' to quickly find the first matching entry." (funcall (if semantic-case-fold (quote assoc-ignore-case) (quote assoc)) name (semantic-something-to-tag-table table))) Done