Ar an ceathrú lá is fiche de mí Eanair, scríobh Aidan Kehoe:
[...] I get your frustration at bugfixing, but refactored code is
necessarily bug-free code. Code with common interfaces is not necessarily
bug-free code. The best we can do is make it easier to fix bugs, and
forcing me to put time and thought into replying to a 700-word articulate
essay from you in reaction to what I thought--reasonably enough--does not
foster a
‘to what I thought--reasonably enough--to be a bug fix’, I beg your pardon.
perception that it’s easy to fix bugs.
¿Dónde estará ahora mi sobrino Yoghurtu Nghé, que tuvo que huir
precipitadamente de la aldea por culpa de la escasez de rinocerontes?
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