"njsf" == Nelson Ferreira <nelson.ferreira(a)ieee.org> writes:
njsf> Hi all,
njsf> While attempting to debug another issue, I found that
njsf> cancel-debug-on-entry would fail with "wrong-type-arg listp" while
njsf> attempting completing.
njsf> The following patch fixes the issue.
njsf> (Thanks for the help, Steve Youngs)
The previous patch was actually wrong, it would only allow to complete
the first function in the debug-function-list.
An updated and correct patch attached.
Nelson Ferreira
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"njsf" == Nelson Ferreira <nelson.ferreira(a)ieee.org> writes:
njsf> "njsf" == Nelson Ferreira <nelson.ferreira(a)ieee.org> writes:
njsf> Hi all,
njsf> While attempting to debug another issue, I found that
njsf> cancel-debug-on-entry would fail with "wrong-type-arg listp" while
njsf> attempting completing.
njsf> The following patch fixes the issue.
njsf> (Thanks for the help, Steve Youngs)
njsf> The previous patch was actually wrong, it would only allow to complete
njsf> the first function in the debug-function-list.
njsf> An updated and correct patch attached.
This time with Changelog... Sorry for the inconvenience of the
previous attempts
Nelson Ferreira