Jerry James writes:
> The error that the other server returned was:
> 451 4.7.1 Greylisting in action, please come back later
Experience shows that once this starts, it doesn't stop.
Technical aside: That's because Google is already backed off to more
than 24 hours between retries, and the greylisting whitelist expires
at 24 hours. I don't understand why that happens so quickly, though.
Normally an MTA will back off 4, 8, 12, 24, 24 hours for a total of 6
tries -- it should easily get through on the first retry, and you get
a second shot on the second retry. Maybe it's because Google has
multiple MTA IP addresses (that's how most greylists identify the
sender system)?
Since I apparently can't send these files as email attachments,
The error above has nothing to do with attachments. It has to do with
the fact that you haven't sent us mail from that MTA IP address for
more than 24 hours. Obviously you can't control the IP address, so
the only solution is to get off Tux.
I hope that I'm now going to have more time to work on our
infrastructure. My masters students just handed in their last drafts,
so they'll be making a lot fewer demands on my time. Maybe. (I've
always wondered why advisors aren't allowed to just write the damn
theses for them -- it would take so much less time and effort -- and
this year I've thought that more often than in the last 25 years
combined:-( .)
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