Just a request for additional documentation (eg, in Internals), at
your convenience.
>>>> "Aidan" == Aidan Kehoe
<kehoea(a)parhasard.net> writes:
Aidan> Doesn’t work for ELL modules yet, but I’m not waiting for
Aidan> that to commit, because I have a feeling if I ever get to
Aidan> it, it’ll be a long time in the future, and the code is
Aidan> plenty useful as it is.
I don't understand what doesn't work. If compiled as a module, I
don't think the docstrings are supposed to be in DOC, are they? Do
you mean if statically linked into xemacs?
I don't see anything about this in the patch, really. A few words of
documentation of what problems there are would be helpful.
School of Systems and Information Engineering
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