Ar an dara lá déag de mí Lúnasa, scríobh Stephen J. Turnbull:
Anyway, that's the rationale, and I appreciate the questioning.
(at least for now) I'd rather leave it as is. It's worth thinking
about the issue for lisp.h (and maybe even going to C++ to get rid of
some of the more opaque "object-oriented" macros), though.
On that issue; I like Ben’s macros, in general. They often give a level of
abstraction and clean structure that would be otherwise impossible in C, and
when debugging them is an issue (which is not that often, because Ben’s code
tends not to be buggy) cc -E and temporarily replacing one or more of them
with their expansions is trivial. (I certainly was daunted at first, though!)
Santa Maradona, priez pour moi!