>>>> "Aidan" == Aidan Kehoe
<kehoea(a)parhasard.net> writes:
Aidan> How likely are people with no interest in debugging
Aidan> problems to make a useful bug report?
If asked, pretty good, in my experience. There are very few *users*
who are as obstinate as, say, David Kastrup. Sure they need
handholding, but usually they care enough to get the job done even if
they have no idea what's going on. (Matters are different for Windows
and Mac, I suspect.) And there are a surprisingly large number of
people who won't or can't (by institutional policy) build XEmacs but
can handle a debugger.
Aidan> And the XFT code is currently, not to put too fine a point
Aidan> on it, only suitable for people with an interest in
Aidan> debugging problems.
But somehow that doesn't stop others from using it. :-) Actually, Xft
is at the point that 21.5.6 was with Windows---there are people (such
as Japanese and Chinese) who need to use it because the fonts provided
by most X servers are simply not acceptable quality. And they're
willing to bear the other pain for the sake of their eyes.
Aidan> I wasn’t proposing to change it, just enquiring as to its
Aidan> rationale. It’s primarily your code,
I really wish somebody else would take it over, you know. I'd rather
be working on Mule, user interface, and Carbon, than on X11 and Xft.
(And as matter of LOC, it's mostly from Mike's students even after two
Anyway, that's the rationale, and I appreciate the questioning. But
(at least for now) I'd rather leave it as is. It's worth thinking
about the issue for lisp.h (and maybe even going to C++ to get rid of
some of the more opaque "object-oriented" macros), though.
School of Systems and Information Engineering
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