Ar an naoiú lá de mí Bealtaine, scríobh Stephen J. Turnbull:
Reply-To set to XEmacs Patches. Please take care with replies.
Aidan Kehoe writes:
> I’ve just disabled HTTP access to the xemacs-beta repository, it’s
> confusing and unhelpful.
Please reenable that. AFAIK Mike S. and Vin continue to keep it
reasonably up to date. OTOH, Ben has already committed one megapatch
(fortunately all docs) since the release of 21.5.31, and there is a
substantial amount of long time breakage as well. I expect the
'xemacs' repo to get very unstable at times.
OK, re-enabled, I’m happy enough with the change to the web pages. I still
don’t see any real upside to the xemacs-beta repository, given it’s possible
to check out a specific revision anyway, and given now that Mats’ buildbot
allows us to see the last good revision, but arguing about it is not a
constructive use of my time.
Note that the merge of Ben’s changes was my doing, not his, and note also
that I’m still interested in feedback on ; can we go
ahead and require a recent makeinfo for our docs?
“Apart from the nine-banded armadillo, man is the only natural host of
Mycobacterium leprae, although it can be grown in the footpads of mice.”
-- Kumar & Clark, Clinical Medicine, summarising improbable leprosy research
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