Nice catch, but it's an insufficient fix; something is failing to
initialize the structure correctly, and *that* is what needs to be
fixed, or we'll eventually see the crash somehwere else.
APA> Are others seeing this as well?
I never have, but I don't use profiling that frequently.
APA> Is this the right fix?
Not quite. That member is a Lisp object, so it should never ever be
NULL. Something is failing to initialize the structure properly.
Since it only seems to happen with profiling, I bet there's a race
condition where the struct backtrace gets put on the list before
.function gets initialized, the timer ticks over, the profiler tries
to read it, and down you go!
FWIW, I think the right fix is likely to be initializing to Qnil or
whatever is used to indicate profiler overhead.
Gotta run right now, though, no time to review code.
School of Systems and Information Engineering
University of Tsukuba Tennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN
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