Vin Shelton <acs(a)> wrote:
Can you please define 'RECOMMEND 21.4' in this case? Please
bear in
mind that 21.4.17 (which fixes a killer bug in the
soon-to-be-deprecated 21.4.16) will be released on Sunday.
I mean that this patch fixes a real bug in the 21.4 series. David Evers
described how the bug manifested for him while using JDE:
It has been manifesting as the dreaded email truncation bug for some of
us 21.5 users. In general, this bug can cause subprocesses on Unix
systems to not receive all of the data that XEmacs was supposed to send
them. I have tested the 21.5 version of the patch as thoroughly as I
know how. It solves the problems I was seeing and, so far at least, has
not introduced any new ones. The 21.4 code is nearly identical
(the differences are mostly cosmetic), David reports that it solves his
JDE problem ... I think it should go into 21.4.17.
Just to be on the safe side, I'll build a 21.4 with this patch included
and run with it for the rest of today. I'll exercise it as well as I
can. If I don't pop up and say, "Hold the presses!", assume that I
didn't run into any trouble. (I'm going with negative instead of
positive acknowledgement because I'm leaving town tonight, and I may not
have time to send an email saying "No problem", although I will
certainly take the time if I do run into a problem.)
Jerry James