Hi, FKtPp --
I get a collection of failures merging whitespace when I apply your patch;
it’s whitespace problems mostly, where you’ve commented out, for example:
:link '(info-link "(eshell)Command aliases")
I could work around this, but it would be safer (= less likelihood of my
making mistakes) if you could send the changes as an attachment in a .bz2
file, so your mail client doesn’t do its own whitespace transformation.
Why do GNU comment out the :link '(info-link ...) lines, by the way? They
don’t install the eshell documentation by default?
Ar an fichiú lá de mí Lúnasa, scríobh It's me FKtPp ;):
Hi all,
I've merged the latest GPLv2 version of eshell with our one. Here's
the result patch.
Can you help evaluate and commit to package reporsitory?
Note, this sync-up also fixed Issue67 in our tracker.
ChangeLog addition:
2008-08-19 It's me FKtPp ;) <m_pupil(a)yahoo.com.cn>
* Upstream version 2.4.2 (the last GPLv2 version avaiable,
savannah git version tag: 0fc80a3f6bb3bb59f42e9ff83cc8b89bf90fe658).
¿Dónde estará ahora mi sobrino Yoghurtu Nghé, que tuvo que huir
precipitadamente de la aldea por culpa de la escasez de rinocerontes?
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