Ar an cúigiú lá de mí Márta, scríobh Detlev Zundel:
Actually there is nothing to approve from my side but I do of course
really appreciate that you informed me of taking re-builder into
Don’t worry about that--it’s an internal XEmacs process thing.
> Detlev, the program is excellent, and adding the functionality
as an
> XEmacs makes it much more convenient for our users to use.
Thanks. I also enjoy your conversion of the documentation to texinfo.
Really nice. Is it ok to take that and also try to get it into the
FSF Emacs stuff?
Of course. It would make things slightly more convenient for us if you were
to leave them GPLed, but we can work with the GFDL too.
“I, for instance, am gung-ho about open source because my family is being
held hostage in Rob Malda’s basement. But who fact-checks me, or Enderle,
when we say something in public? No-one!” -- Danny O’Brien