Various people wrote things like:
in a simple java file i typed:
    int i =
when i typed the "=" character i get the following error:
(1) (warning/warning) Error caught in `font-lock-pre-idle-hook': (error Invalid search limit (wrong side of point))
I've had luck avoiding this bug with the following patch (submitted to the cc-mode folks)... The only change was the addition of the single line near the end marked with "MIK".  I just stuck this in a file loaded by my .xemacs.  I've got no idea if I've broken it in some new subtle way, but I no longer get the annoying warning buffer popups all the time and font highlighting still appears to be functional.


(defun c-font-lock-declarators (limit list types)
  ;; Assuming the point is at the start of a declarator in a
  ;; declaration, fontify it.  If LIST is non-nil, fontify also all
  ;; following declarators in a comma separated list (e.g.  "foo" and
  ;; "bar" in "int foo = 17, bar;").  Stop at LIMIT.  If TYPES is
  ;; non-nil, fontify all identifiers as types.  Nil is always
  ;; returned.

  ;;(message "c-font-lock-declarators from %s to %s" (point) limit)
      ((pos (point)) next-pos id-start id-end
       id-face got-init
       (separator-prop (if types 'c-decl-type-start 'c-decl-id-start)))

    (while (and
	    (< (point) limit)

	    (let (got-identifier)
	      (setq paren-depth 0)
	      ;; Skip over type decl prefix operators.  (Note similar
	      ;; code in `c-font-lock-declarations'.)
	      (while (and (looking-at c-type-decl-prefix-key)
			  (if (and (c-major-mode-is 'c++-mode)
				   (match-beginning 2))
			      ;; If the second submatch matches in C++ then
			      ;; we're looking at an identifier that's a
			      ;; prefix only if it specifies a member pointer.
				(setq id-start (point))
				(if (looking-at "\\(::\\)")
				    ;; We only check for a trailing "::" and
				    ;; let the "*" that should follow be
				    ;; matched in the next round.
				  ;; It turned out to be the real identifier,
				  ;; so flag that and stop.
				  (setq got-identifier t)
		(if (eq (char-after) ?\()
		      (setq paren-depth (1+ paren-depth))
		  (goto-char (match-end 1)))

	      ;; If we didn't pass the identifier above already, do it now.
	      (unless got-identifier
		(setq id-start (point))
	      (setq id-end (point))

	      (/= id-end pos))

	    ;; Skip out of the parens surrounding the identifier.
	    (or (= paren-depth 0)
		(c-safe (goto-char (scan-lists (point) 1 paren-depth))))

	    (<= (point) limit)

	    ;; Search syntactically to the end of the declarator (";",
	    ;; ",", a closen paren, eob etc) or to the beginning of an
	    ;; initializer or function prototype ("=" or "\\s\(").
	    ;; Note that the open paren will match array specs in
	    ;; square brackets, and we treat them as initializers too.
	     "[;,]\\|\\s)\\|\\'\\|\\(=\\|\\s(\\)" limit t t))

      (setq next-pos (match-beginning 0)
	    id-face (if (eq (char-after next-pos) ?\()
	    got-init (and (match-beginning 1)
			  (char-after (match-beginning 1))))

      (if types
	  ;; Register and fontify the identifer as a type.
	  (let ((c-promote-possible-types t))
	    (goto-char id-start)
	;; Fontify the last symbol in the identifier if it isn't fontified
	;; already.  The check is necessary only in certain cases where this
	;; function is used "sloppily", e.g. in `c-simple-decl-matchers'.
	(when (and c-last-identifier-range
		   (not (get-text-property (car c-last-identifier-range)
	  (c-put-font-lock-face (car c-last-identifier-range)
				(cdr c-last-identifier-range)

      (goto-char next-pos)
      (setq pos nil)
      (when list
	;; Jump past any initializer or function prototype to see if
	;; there's a ',' to continue at.

	(cond ((eq id-face 'font-lock-function-name-face)
	       ;; Skip a parenthesized initializer (C++) or a function
	       ;; prototype.
	       (if (c-safe (c-forward-sexp 1) t)
		   (c-forward-syntactic-ws limit)
		 (goto-char limit)))

	       ;; Skip an initializer expression.  If we're at a '='
	       ;; then accept a brace list directly after it to cope
	       ;; with array initializers.  Otherwise stop at braces
	       ;; to avoid going past full function and class blocks.
	       (and (if (and (eq got-init ?=)
			     (= (c-forward-token-2) 0)
			     (looking-at "{"))
			(c-safe (c-forward-sexp) t)
		    (< (point) limit)	;; MIK - the next line is what complains that limit<point
		    (c-syntactic-re-search-forward "[;,{]" limit 'move t)

	      (t (c-forward-syntactic-ws limit)))

	;; If a ',' is found we set pos to the next declarator and iterate.
	(when (and (< (point) limit) (looking-at ","))
	  (c-put-char-property (point) 'c-type separator-prop)
	  (c-forward-syntactic-ws limit)
	  (setq pos (point))))))