In a message dated 1/9/2003 12:05:25 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Thanks, but how do I execute coding-system-list? if I do M-x
coding-system-list it does not work!

Apparantly it's not interactive.  You could execute it in a scratch buffer, but I suggest you research further.
  How about   C-x b    (describe bindings)
Searching the buffer for  "coding-system" gives me:
C-x C-m F       set-default-buffer-file-coding-system
C-x C-m c       universal-coding-system-argument
C-x C-m f       set-buffer-file-coding-system
C-x C-m p       set-buffer-process-coding-system
C-x C-m t       set-terminal-coding-system

Type    C-x C-m F      and you will be prompted for a default coding system.
Hit the space bar and you'll get a completions buffer.
Is that what you want?