On 3/16/06, Chris Rowse <chris@forth.co.za> wrote:
To: XEmacs Beta <xemacs-beta@xemacs.org>
Subject: [Bug: 21.4.15] replace-regexp
--text follows this line--
Dear Bug Team!

I'm having a problem with replace-regexp
    I need to pick up the matched regular expression and insert it in
output  \1 is not working for me.

    Maybe I am doing something wrong?
I cant google anything on the subject, I'v tried combinations of \&1
etc to no avail.

Google?  What's wrong with C-h f replace-regexp?

   In TO-STRING, `\&' stands for whatever matched the whole of REGEXP,
   and `\N' (where N is a digit) stands for
   whatever what matched the Nth `\(...\)' in REGEXP.

I don't see any \( \) groupings in your regexp, the following might work better:

xsl:template match=\([\"a-zA-Z0-9]+\)>
