When I run M-x prefer-coding-system utf-8, I get:
Can't prefer coding system utf-8.
(Same response with any other coding system)

Should it work in the latest beta?


On 10/7/05, Stephen J. Turnbull <stephen@xemacs.org> wrote:
>>>>> "Eduards" == Eduards Mihelovics <emikhelo@gmail.com> writes:

    Eduards> It evaluates to:

    Eduards> (utf-8 iso-8-1 utf-16-little-endian-bom utf-16-bom
    Eduards> utf-8-bom iso-7 no-conversion iso-8-2 iso-8-designate
    Eduards> iso-lock-shift shift-jis big5 utf-16-little-endian utf-16
    Eduards> ucs-4)

OK, things are working right to that extent.

And I _knew_ there was an interactive interface, I just forgot what it
was!  M-x prefer-coding-system should do what you need, sorry for
taking so long to come to my senses.

If it does work, then (prefer-coding-system 'utf-8) in your init file
should make life good.

Here's the docstring:

  Add CODING-SYSTEM at the front of the priority list for automatic detection.
  This also sets the coding system of newly created buffers (the default
  value of `buffer-file-coding-system') and the default coding system for
  output to a subprocess (the CDR of `default-process-coding-system').

  If CODING-SYSTEM specifies a certain type of EOL conversion, the coding
  systems set by this function will use that type of EOL conversion.

  This does not change [various subtle things that shouldn't be
  changed, if you run into trouble with *file names* or *subprocesses*
  look at the full docstring or ask on xemacs-beta].

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