Hi Stephen,

Thanks for the prompt reply.

My apologies for being insufficiently clear.  When i start XEmacs with the 'xemacs -q' command, then go into the init.el file and evaluate the entire file, i.e. execute all of the lines in the file, the problem does not occur, so it is not clear how excising lines from init.el, or executing them one at a time, will provide additional information.

It seems to me that it is not the init.el file, but some package that is loaded automatically when the init.el is loaded.  I confirmed this hypothesis by renaming my init.el file, then creating a 0 byte init.el; starting xemacs normally reproduced the problem.

It turns out that the problem was with the custom.el and the line:
(custom-set-faces '(default ((t (:size "14pt" :family "Courier"))) t))

When i commented this line out, the behavior did not occur.


Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
"John" == John  <wguy4biz@comcast.net> writes:

    John> I welcome any additional suggestions as to how to debug.

You'll have to fall back to copying your init file to a safe place and
deleting parts of it until the bug stops happening, and eventually
finding a minimal recipe.

Alternatively, you could try updating and hope that fixes the problem,
as the window configuration code was known buggy and has had important
changes in more recent versions.