Fatal error: assertion failed, file c:\Hacking\cvs.xemacs.org\XEmacs\xemacs-21.5 -clean\src\mc-alloc.c, line 1195, !LRECORD_FREE_P (p) Fatal error. Your files have been auto-saved. Use `M-x recover-session' to recover them. Your version of XEmacs was distributed with a PROBLEMS file that may describe your crash, and with luck a workaround. Please check it first, but do report the crash anyway. Please report this bug by invoking M-x report-emacs-bug, or by selecting `Send Bug Report' from the Help menu. If that won't work, send ordinary email to `xemacs-beta@xemacs.org'. *MAKE SURE* to include this entire output from this crash, especially including the Lisp backtrace, as well as the XEmacs configuration from M-x describe-installation (or equivalently, the file `Installation' in the top of the build tree). If you are fortunate enough to have some sort of debugging aid installed on your system, for example Visual C++, and you can get a C stack backtrace, *please* include it, as it will make our life far easier. Lisp backtrace follows: # (unwind-protect ...) # (unwind-protect ...) # (unwind-protect ...) # (unwind-protect ...) # (unwind-protect ...) # (unwind-protect ...) # (unwind-protect ...) gnus-save-newsrc-file(nil) # bind (force) gnus-group-save-newsrc(nil) # bind (command-debug-status) call-interactively(gnus-group-save-newsrc) (dispatch-event "[internal]") # (condition-case ... . error) # (catch top-level ...) assert_failed(const char * 0x014609e0, int 0x000004ab, const char * 0x014609cc) line 3981 install_cell_free_list(page_header * 0x04098938, long 0x00000001) line 1195 + 44 bytes install_page_in_used_list(page_header * 0x04098938, page_list_header * 0x00f64638, unsigned int 0x0000000c, long 0x00000001) line 1253 + 13 bytes allocate_new_page(page_list_header * 0x00f64638, unsigned int 0x0000000c, long 0x00000001) line 1378 + 21 bytes mc_alloc_1(unsigned int 0x0000000c, long 0x00000001) line 1401 + 17 bytes mc_alloc(unsigned int 0x0000000c) line 1432 + 11 bytes alloc_lrecord(long 0x0000000c, const lrecord_implementation * 0x012e2ea8 struct lrecord_implementation const lrecord_compiled_function_args) line 564 + 9 bytes make_compiled_function_args(int 0x00000001) line 70 + 81 bytes optimize_compiled_function(long 0x05ccd9cc) line 2065 + 9 bytes funcall_compiled_function(long 0x05ccd9cc, int 0x00000001, long * 0x0082f5b8) line 3416 + 9 bytes Ffuncall(int 0x00000002, long * 0x0082f5b4) line 3932 + 17 bytes execute_optimized_program(const unsigned char * 0x0839ea28, int 0x00000002, long * 0x05e358f8) line 862 + 16 bytes funcall_compiled_function(long 0x05e2a840, int 0x00000001, long * 0x0082f8bc) line 3495 + 73 bytes Ffuncall(int 0x00000002, long * 0x0082f8b8) line 3932 + 17 bytes Fcall_interactively(long 0x05a2fbd0, long 0x02ac6000, long 0x02ac6000) line 994 + 22 bytes Fcommand_execute(long 0x05a2fbd0, long 0x02ac6000, long 0x02ac6000) line 3116 + 17 bytes execute_command_event(command_builder * 0x03430fd0, long 0x07ff13f0) line 4286 + 25 bytes Fdispatch_event(long 0x07ff13f0) line 4598 + 79 bytes Fcommand_loop_1() line 600 + 9 bytes command_loop_1(long 0x02ac6000) line 511 condition_case_1(long 0x02ac5018, long (long)* 0x010a1a00 command_loop_1(long), long 0x02ac6000, long (long, long)* 0x010a1656 cmd_error(long, long), long 0x02ac6000) line 1924 + 7 bytes command_loop_3() line 262 + 35 bytes command_loop_2(long 0x02ac6000) line 277 internal_catch(long 0x02a889c0, long (long)* 0x010a17a6 command_loop_2(long), long 0x02ac6000, int * volatile 0x00000000, long * volatile 0x00000000, long * volatile 0x00000000) line 1530 + 7 bytes initial_command_loop(long 0x02ac6000) line 313 + 29 bytes xemacs_21_5_b25_i586_pc_win32(int 0x00000001, unsigned short * * 0x0082ff10, unsigned short * * 0x00000000, int 0x00000000) line 2668 main(int 0x00000001, char * * 0x00f64278, char * * 0x00f62e80) line 3113 mainCRTStartup() line 338 + 17 bytes KERNEL32! 7c816d4f() OS version: Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600] OS: Windows_NT XEmacs 21.5-b25 "eggplant" (+CVS-20060325) configured for `i586-pc-win32'. Building XEmacs using "NMAKE". Building XEmacs using make flags " ". Building XEmacs in source tree "c:\\Hacking\\cvs.xemacs.org\\XEmacs\\xemacs-21.5-clean". For src, using compiler "cl -nologo -W3 -DSTRICT -Zi -Od -MDd -c -TP -Ic:\Hacking\cvs.xemacs.org\XEmacs\xemacs-21.5-clean\nt\inc -Ic:\Hacking\cvs.xemacs.org\XEmacs\xemacs-21.5-clean\src -I"c:\Hacking\libs4xemacs\xpm-3.4k" -I"c:\Hacking\libs4xemacs\xpm-3.4k\lib" -I"c:\Hacking\libs4xemacs\libpng-1.0.2" -I"c:\Hacking\libs4xemacs\zlib" -I"c:\Hacking\libs4xemacs\tiff-v3.4\libtiff" -I"c:\Hacking\libs4xemacs\jpeg-6b" -I"c:\Hacking\libs4xemacs\compface" -I"c:\Hacking\libs4xemacs\zlib" -DHAVE_MS_WINDOWS -DHAVE_MENUBARS -DHAVE_SCROLLBARS -DHAVE_TOOLBARS -DHAVE_WIDGETS -DHAVE_DIALOGS -DHAVE_XPM -DFOR_MSW -DHAVE_GIF -DHAVE_PNG -DHAVE_TIFF -DHAVE_JPEG -DHAVE_XFACE -DHAVE_ZLIB -DHAVE_NATIVE_SOUND -DMULE -DERROR_CHECK_ALL -DPDUMP -DNEW_GC -DUSE_KKCC -DSYSTEM_MALLOC -DDEBUG_XEMACS -D_DEBUG -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN -DWIN32_NATIVE -Demacs -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DPATH_VERSION=\"21.5-b25\" -DPATH_PROGNAME=\"xemacs\" -DEMACS_VERSION=\"21.5-b25\" -DEMACS_PROGNAME=\"xemacs\" -DSTACK_TRACE_EYE_CATCHER=xemacs_21_5_b25_i586_pc_win32 -DPATH_PREFIX=\"..\" -DEMACS_MAJOR_VERSION=21 -DEMACS_MINOR_VERSION=5 -DEMACS_BETA_VERSION=25 -DXEMACS_CODENAME=\""eggplant"\" -DXEMACS_EXTRA_NAME=\"(+CVS-20060325)\" -DEMACS_CONFIGURATION=\"i586-pc-win32\"". For lib-src, using compiler "cl -nologo -W3 -DSTRICT -Zi -Od -MDd -Ic:\Hacking\cvs.xemacs.org\XEmacs\xemacs-21.5-clean\lib-src -Ic:\Hacking\cvs.xemacs.org\XEmacs\xemacs-21.5-clean\src -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DWIN32_NATIVE". Compiling as C++. Installing XEmacs in "c:\\Program Files\\XEmacs\\XEmacs-21.5-b25". Compiling in support for Microsoft Windows native GUI. Compiling in international (MULE) support. Compiling in support for XPM images. Compiling in support for GIF images. Compiling in support for PNG images. Compiling in support for TIFF images. Compiling in support for JPEG images. Compiling in support for X-Face message headers. Compiling in support for GZIP compression/decompression. Compiling in support for toolbars. Compiling in support for dialogs. Compiling in support for widgets. Compiling in support for native sounds. Using portable dumper. Using system malloc. Using DLL version of C runtime library. Compiling in extra internal error-checking. NOTE: --------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: Compiling in support for runtime error-checking. NOTE: XEmacs will run noticeably more slowly as a result. NOTE: Error-checking is on by default for XEmacs beta releases. NOTE: --------------------------------------------------------- Compiling in debugging support (no slowdown). Using new experimental GC mark algorithms. Using new experimental incremental garbage collector and new allocator. ----