;; ;; This is a global .emacs file. All it does is figure out what ;; kind of Emacs is running and load the appropriate startup ;; file (which is byte-compiled). ;; ;; (Georg Nikodym - WST Staff) (setq HOME (getenv "HOME") home-lisp (concat HOME "/.emacs-startup") hostname (substring (system-name) 0 (string-match "\\." (system-name)))) (defvar running-XEmacs21 (if (string-match "21\." emacs-version) t nil)) (if running-XEmacs21 (progn (setq load-path (append (cons (concat HOME "/etc/elisp") load-path) (list home-lisp))) (load "XEmacs21"))) (setq mail-host-address "somanetworks.com" user-mail-address "georgn@somanetworks.com") ;; ;; We're attempting to use our local sendmail ;; ;(setq smtpmail-default-smtp-server "mail.somanetworks.com" ; smtpmail-local-domain "somanetworks.com" ; send-mail-function (function smtpmail-send-it)) ;(load-library "smtpmail") ;(custom-set-variables ; '(custom-file "/export/home/georgn/.emacs-custom") ; '(custom-background-mode 'dark)) ;(load custom-file) (require 'bbdb) (bbdb-insinuate-vm) (require 'filladapt) (pending-delete) (display-time) ;(set-specifier horizontal-scrollbar-visible-p nil)