ok, i can duplicate this too.  i'll look at it tomorrow, since it's bedtime now.

it probably is related to the modeline changes i recently made -- there's some stuff to print the tty frame number if it's greater than 1, done in a clever [or hackish, you be the judge] way.

someone might try disabling that code -- it's in modeline.el -- and seeing if that fixes the problem.


Adrian Aichner wrote:
"SY" == Steve Youngs <youngs@xemacs.org> writes:

SY> Hi Ben!
SY> Just found something else that's bad... really bad... show-stopper bad
SY> even.

SY> Running XEmacs from a console in Linux, it'll load up, but that's all
SY> it will do. Press any key once it's loaded and it just sits there
SY> frozen solid. The only way out is to switch to another console and
SY> kill the xemacs process.

SY> No core files are generated, any idea how I can help you debug this
SY> one?

Does it read .emacs?

Does C-g help?
Or C-g C-g, perhaps?

If yes, how about
(setq debug-on-signal t)
(setq debug-on-quit t)
and then (when in appears to hang) C-g or even C-g C-g.

SY> On the plus side, from the console it loads fast. :-)

SY> --
SY> |---<Steve Youngs>---------------<GnuPG KeyID: 10D5C9C5>---|
SY> | XEmacs - It' s not just an editor. |
SY> | It's a way of life. |
SY> |------------------------------------<youngs@xemacs.org>---|