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How to Help

More detailed information is forthcoming, but in the short term, if you'd like to help with the XEmacs development effort, do the following:

  1. Download the latest beta release, or (better) go to ../Develop/cvsaccess.html and follow the instructions to get an up-to-date CVS tree of the XEmacs source.

  2. Install it.

  3. Join the xemacs-beta mailing list. Don't let the name xemacs-beta mislead you. This mailing list is for anyone who wants to contribute to XEmacs, regardless of version, including documentation.

  4. Find bugs.

  5. Fix them.

  6. Submit patches to the xemacs-patches mailing list.

    The rules for creating and submitting patches are set forth in etc/BETA (look for Creating patches for submission in documentation accessed via M-x describe-beta)

    You may find the cvs-mods perl script useful to create your patches.

    If you only leave XEmacs to go to bed, then patcher is for you. Please install the xemacs-devel package which it is part of. Please see the patcher.el sources for usage instructions until it is properly documented in XEmacs info.

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