I did what you said, the expression evaluates to nil; but I still don't see UTF-8 as the default encoding: when I open a new file, Xemacs shows MSW-MB encoding at the bottom.


On 10/6/05, Stephen J. Turnbull <> wrote:
Please keep discussion on the mailing list.

>>>>> "Eduards" == Eduards Mihelovics <> writes:

    Eduards> M-x set-coding-priority-list command is not available in
    Eduards> my installation ( 21.5.17). Is it available in the newest
    Eduards> beta?

Ah, sorry; it's not an interactive command.

M-: (set-coding-priority-list '(utf-8)) RET

should give you a much better experience, but I can't promise it's
optimal.  Watch out for single-byte encodings such as ISO-8859 and
KOI-8 being incorrectly detected.  If you have trouble, we can try
tuning the list.

To make that default, put the expression in parantheses in your init file.

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